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What I'm Diggin vol.III

By: Michael Del Vecchio

Welcome back to “What I’m Diggin’.” This series will feature weekly posts by contributors, guest bloggers and musicians. My name is Michael Del Vecchio. Grab your shovel and join in – this is what I’m digging:

1. Scarves.

If you’re experiencing Game of Thrones withdrawal, find me walking around Toronto in my permanent frozen corpse costume. Based on personal research since New Year’s, I’ve come across this formula:

Your face + cold air = cracked skin

It’s not great, folks. Wrap up that face of yours.

2. Starbucks Coffee

Over the holidays, the spirit of Christmas shoved a Starbucks (#notsponsored) gift card into my stocking. Starbucks – do you love it or hate it? Do you go for their house brews – Pike and Blonde? (Coffee blends, or detectives from a 70s cop film? Leave your flavour crimes in the comments below.) Do you indulge in their seasonal-themed, coded-language, syrup-induced fever dreams? Or do you avoid the modest-mermaid cafe entirely?

3. Sunset Rollercoaster on AudioTree Live

These guys from Taiwan play some smooth funk. From what they say to the interviewer, you can tell that they’re jokers who like to keep it light and have fun. That’s a good reminder going into 2019. AudioTree always grabs great artists and puts on a great set. NPR’s Tiny Desk Concerts does this as well.

4. Journaling

Are the days already stringing themselves together? Journaling is a great way to organize your thoughts and experiences. Throw some of that mind chaos in one place. This has applications even if you don’t want to journal with writing. Download the “1 Second Everyday (1SE)” app (#alsonotsponsored), so that at the end of the year you have a visual collage of 2019. You record one second of every day to edit together later. People have reported that their memory and decision-making improved when they stick with journaling. Comment below some things that you have already forgotten this year.

5. The Idea of Going the Gym

Everybody knows that gyms get packed in January. The trend is that people start the new year by going to the gym, and then sometime around the middle of the month, Fitness Thanos snaps his fingers. Instead of disappearing completely, most of these new faces walk off to Pizza Hut, or their couches or where ever. Until those extra gymgoers get trapped in the Failed-Diet Stone, or whatever, this week I’m just going to be thinking about going to the gym.

Stay tuned for next weeks post. Follow Michael on Instagram here.

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