Senses Fail at The Phoenix | Photo GalleryNov 14, 2022Senses Fail played Toronto at The Phoenix Concert theatre earlier last week.Check out the photo gallery captured by Josiah Botting below:Senses FailSetlistThe Burial of the DeadEnd of the World/A Game Of ChessCalling All CarsNJ Falls Into the AtlanticBonecrusherFireworks at DawnWolves at the DoorHell Is in Your HeadOne Eight SevenRum Is for Drinking, Not for BurningGold Jacket, Green Jacket…Family TraditionStevenI’m Sorry I’m LeavingBuried a LieNegative SpaceThe Priest and the MatadorCan't Be SavedBite to Break SkinLike Moths to FlamesCan't Swim
Senses Fail played Toronto at The Phoenix Concert theatre earlier last week.Check out the photo gallery captured by Josiah Botting below:Senses FailSetlistThe Burial of the DeadEnd of the World/A Game Of ChessCalling All CarsNJ Falls Into the AtlanticBonecrusherFireworks at DawnWolves at the DoorHell Is in Your HeadOne Eight SevenRum Is for Drinking, Not for BurningGold Jacket, Green Jacket…Family TraditionStevenI’m Sorry I’m LeavingBuried a LieNegative SpaceThe Priest and the MatadorCan't Be SavedBite to Break SkinLike Moths to FlamesCan't Swim